Guess what guys? It's summertime! Okay it's not really official until June 21st, but it's definitely feeling like summer now that all the kiddos are out of school and the snowbirds are gone. Right?
This summer is definitely going to be a hot one if the recent weather is any indication. So rather than sweating it out, why not escape the heat and check us out? Whether you are new to escape rooms, never done one before, or you are enthusiasts and the old pros we definitely have something for you! All of our rooms were created with you guys in mind, and we try our hardest to ensure everyone has fun. They are perfect for all ages. Some of our best groups are pre-teens and teens, so don't leave them out.
If you're looking for a way to get even more involved in escape rooms, we have a perfect opportunity for you. We are currently hiring for game masters! If you love escape rooms and want to learn all the behind the scenes fun and get paid to do it send us your resume to with a cover letter explaining why you have what it takes! This is great for high schoolers looking for extra cash, college kids wanting to help pay their bills, or even just someone looking to supplement their income at night or on the weekends.
Want to stay up to date with all things Tropic Escape Room including special hours and hiring? Check our our social media pages!
FB: Tropic Escape Room
Instagram: Tropic Escape Room
Twitter: TropicEscapeRm
Snapchat: TropicEscapeRm
Do you have what it takes? Escape with us...
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